Thursday 23 October 2014

The Dam Has Dugs

Stay, traveller, and rest a while, I beg

To contemplate the mystery of the egg. 
Within this cask of bone resides the sum 
Of all that’s been and all that’s yet to come. 
Linger awhile, that you and I may share
Nor fish nor fowl but something passing rare. 
And join my modest muse, extolling thus 
The albino, arctic duck-billed platypus; 

Where once stout Phoebus and his lusty train 
Were rudely routed from the blasted plain 
There, phoenix-like, the platypus arose
And gaily sported mid the growling floes 
To rear her brood and serve her mortal span 
In chill crevasses measureless to Man 

Whom Providence has rendered at the last 
Impervious to the Hyperborean blast,
The eager whelps, their fragile prison rent 
At once go forth in search of aliment. 
Creation now a further wonder works; 
The dam has dugs. 
The brats wear milky smirks. 

Yet some there be who brave the Arctic squall 
In whom the thirst for knowledge conquers all. 
My pen is still. 
My beating heart unmanned; 
My spirit quails before the hardy band 
That scorns the perils of that dreadful land – 
The ravening beasts which lour on every hand 
The chafing wind that scours the arctic strand 
To bear in triumph homeward by their toils 
This peerless paragon of oval spoils.

Such marvels hath the Modern Ajax wrought, 
Their magnitude the Mind can scarce support. 
Behold! Before our disbelieving eyes
The seamless vessel parts - and yields its prize... 

Lou Glandfield 2014 

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